Thursday, April 25, 2013

Preferred Future

This past week our staff at SJLS had a visit from the WASC/NLSA committee on our campus.  They were made up of two public school administrators and two Lutheran school administrators.  There is always tension when you add something "big" to your normal crazy life.   Their four day presence was a blessing in the story of our school.  Our action plan has four key initiatives:

1. Develop a philosophy and educational plan for effective implmentation of technology into the instructional process.  Included is this is an effective staff development plan to sustain successful integration by staff.
2. Implement a greater variety of assessments - both formative and summative that meet the needs of the variety of learning styles in each classroom.
3. Provide for administrative time to effectively manage school growth and the instructional program of the staff.
4. Make strategic decisions regarding enrollment policies, facilities expansion and management of resources to sustain the potential growth and development of a quality learning environment for students.
Each component of this plan has additional steps that specify the objectives that will help accomplish these bigger goals. Of course, these goals provide a blueprint for change and initiative that will push us beyond a few years well into the future.

What a great list!  I am so encouraged to walk through this process and provide leadership to our community in order to make this happen.   A big impressive point is that through the visit and the reading of our report, the visiting committee did not identify any impediments to the school improvement process.  That statement is a first in all my years of walking down the accreditation process.  I am thankful for the chance to help drive the bus during this chapter in the school's history.

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