Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sometimes You just have to choose....or not...

Wowsers - It's been a long time since I've sat down and shared some thoughts on this blog!  Christmas seems like yesterday.  The "Git her done" list has been somewhat overwhelming since January, but at this point, much has been accomplished.
  • Releasing a staff member,  
  • BPM Conference in PHX, 
  • Master Plan Feasibility Study presentations - (21 in 3 weeks)
  • Capital Campaign planning and roll out, Leadership visits,  PR in school.
  • Hiring of a key staff position, 
  • Ministry budget process
  • Assisting with Leadership development with PSWD
  • Celebrating the birth of Ben, our third grandchild and a late visit to PHX.
  • Annual golf tournament planning
  • Graduation and wrapping up another school year.
  • Squeezed in a wonderful week with the 7th grade in Yosemite NP allowed some space to clear my head.
Most of the above list was not on the annual agenda to get done. So in the middle of routine work enters the unique opportunities that redirects focus and energy.
So what can you say "no" to?  What on this list of critical target activities could have been put on a shelf and picked up later when there is less happening? What will it be and how will a decision be reached?  I would like to say there is some formula or process to prioritize and help expend the necessary energy to pull of something of quality.  In reality - it is necessary to accomplish it all.
This is when you sit back and simply thank God for giving margin, resource of time or people to make it happen.  This is what reflection does for you and I guess what this blog is for me. It allows me to recognize the ways God used many pieces beyond me to get His work done.
To do lists are one way to get things done, another way to see God at work - often showing up in ways beyond our feeble dreams.  Thankful.