Tuesday, June 3, 2014

2013-14 Reflections

The 2013-14 school year is now officially in the books.  It was another challenging year both personally and professionally, but I sit here in awe of God's work despite my best or worst efforts.

  • We had nine new staff changes during the course of the year.  God brought some talented people to our school community that made a huge difference to our ministry.
  • SmartBoards were installed in all K-8 classrooms and integrated in instruction / IPADS K-2 / Gaggle 5-8 / Tablets in 7-8
  • An IT service was hired to  provide much-needed technology network support ministry-wide. 
  • “Defining the Win” in our school… - Know / Grow / Show  - Visual…  - (Be Loved – Belong – Be Brave) which will help define our culture
  • Curriculum changes… AR / Spelling / Science 3-6 / CK LA K-1 - some of these areas were challenging for us and the staff wrestled over consistent strategies and the students won!
  • Getting a handle on Fundraising at SJLS - from major to minor events.… Blessed by the first “ Bountiful Affair” event and two amazing event coordinators.
  • Calling Pastor Eric Van Scharrel to help engage the ministry with school families
  • Resignation of the Director of the Children's Center has created greater clarity for skills and leadership it takes to lead this important part of our ministry.
  • Robotics, Theater and Art Clubs were started for kids who were wired to shine in these areas.
  •  Worked hard with SJ leadership to define and land on mission/vision to carry up into the future.
  • Updated all mnistry job descriptions and implemented an evaluation process that will be done by the end of the month..
  • Put new lunch program in place that provides a quality product and actually makes us mone
Well - that's some of the ways I have spent my time this past year.  If you throw in the loss of Rhonda's mom... which is still weighing on her and working with a dysfunctional leadership model, I am still standing. This summer will be spent thinking about assessment models for next year and helping craft a model for discipleship.  God is simply faithful to His promise and I lean on that when stuff seems too big to overcome.  At the end of the day, I picture the 430 kids what came each day to this place and were cared for, challenged to think and engage in learning.
That's what its all about!