Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas does change everything!

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Merry Christmas!  We celebrate the birth of God-incarnate - Emmanuel!  Who doesn't love the decorations, music, gatherings and travel?  I feel extra- blessed because I usually worship at my son's church and  receive Christmas through  the experiences while growing up in our family. This happens as we join with  his family and worship at his church that he pastors. My context is certainly different than the other 99.9% of those who experience worship on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
In another context, millions of worshipers come for their once or twice a year worship experience to sing the familiar carols, light candles and hear the angel's message.  I think about the energy invested in this experience without a plan for true transformation to take place.  What do we want to have happen after they spend an hour with us?  Do we think through the outcome for the worship experience?
My experience tells me - no.  What can they get here that they couldn't experience on their own?  In some instances, we dumb down the message so that we make people feel "comfortable," thinking that the comfort may bring them back before next year.  Who was comfortable on that first Christmas?  The story is filled with hardship and challenge!  Yet we love to romanticize this birth and dwell on the quiet lullaby of angels and sheep.
It is similar to what it takes to mentor and disciple people. Three words come to mind as I discuss this issue with my Pastor - son.  Learning takes place most effectively when three things happen -   Information - Imitation - Transformation.    All three take investment of time and a continual opportunity to learn. 
Information is transferred/ exchanged / passed on from one person to another.  They receive specific teachings that are intended to move both minds and hearts. Hopefully there is some "new" information told in a different way that makes listening easier.
Imitation -  once information is transmitted,  there must be modeling in order to "see" and experience the information in action.  That's the "hands on" portion of learning.    During this time there is opportunity for trial and error,   Modeling can occur so the behavior that must be acquired has time to be seen and practiced.
Transformation - Nate says this is "innovation" (a word I don't like - so I chose transformation), means once the information is delivered, there is enough imitation and practice to make change stick.  The change is based on the information that was initially delivered.  In other words.  You began with the "end in mind" or the change you want to see take place.
As I walk through this Christmas season, I'm listening to the "change" that the Christ-child wants to make in me. My life has brought me through different experiences than where I was a year ago.  My needs are different, my prayers directed differently, my awe of God's activity draws me closer to the manger.  I want to see it and I want to be transformed by it.  Because He changes everything!

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