Thursday, October 4, 2012

Changing My World :)

I'm thinking alot about change lately... why it happens, how it takes place, what makes it stick.  I have almost reached day 50 with my new staff.  When to push and when to hold back is the tension that drives me. My good friend Lois told me to write  down a few of the things that have occupied my mind since my arrival. So when I make it through year 1, I can look back and see where we've come from.
  • Installed two Smartboards in the lab and Jr. High classroom.  three more are expected sometime this month.  Learning how to use two "Ebeam" units that were donated this past week.
  • Ordered laptops for all teachers to upgrade operating systems, wireless and portability in their planning.
  • Re-tooled technology teacher emphasis to begin to work with teachers to assist them in using the labtime for curriculum integration.
  • Purchased and ready to roll out Accelerated Reader into our library and instructional program. Just completed web-based fire-up of the system
  • Scheduled our STP conference online to make online sign-ups take place
  • Began weekly "School News" to take school information out of teacher newletters and  provide a place for "School Scoops,"  "Thank-you's" and important info.
  • Began a conversation with K-2 teachers on their joys and challenges with their language arts curriculum.  Scheduled a web connection regarding A to Z Readers with Erin Winter later this month.
  • Introduced the staff to Six-trait writing process.  More conversation will take place in Dec.
  • SJB are in their review cycle for the WASC-NLSA Accreditation process this year.  Focus groups have begun and 
  • Re-tooled the Superintendent's Advisory Committee to have roles to support our mission and vision.  They are actively engaged in our accreditation process.
  • Visited three local schools in our area to get a feel for what public and private educational programs look like in our community. 
  • Hired and give direction to new "male" Director of our Children Center for 200 infant to four-year olds.  It has been a challenge in making a smooth transition from the director who has established the center 30 years ago.
  • Getting a handle on the 418 students who I greet each morning and afternoon out on the sidewalk.  Most have names that I can't begin to pronounce. :)
  • Learning my role as Superintendent of Schools - boundries and structure within this administrative structure.
  • Working with several teachers on establishing a classroom blog
  • Learning what it means to be a "Director of Operations" in the ministry.
For the most part, the staff recognizes the need to bring innovation into our program along with the "why."    I thank them for putting up with me and then plow through our next challenge. To be honest, I'm not sure who will stay the course and want to find their seat on the " let's get better bus."
Last week, I spent some time with Joel K, the former ed exec in this district.  He definately thinks outside the box in many areas.  I agreed on his point that most of our Lutheran schools put a higher priority of ministry over learning. Figuring out that balance will keep some in the business while others shut their doors and relegate their classrooms to a weekend experience.  I pray for guidance and wisdom in guiding this precious gift and those who receive it with thanksgiving - both the big and the little people!

1 comment:

  1. and the definition for 'ministry' in Lutheran schools is:... I think 'learning' and 'ministry' can go hand in hand. Glad to see you list, Spence. Your accomplishments are huge! Such a delight to hear the energy and enthusiasm in your 'voice'! ~lois
