- Installed two Smartboards in the lab and Jr. High classroom. three more are expected sometime this month. Learning how to use two "Ebeam" units that were donated this past week.
- Ordered laptops for all teachers to upgrade operating systems, wireless and portability in their planning.
- Re-tooled technology teacher emphasis to begin to work with teachers to assist them in using the labtime for curriculum integration.
- Purchased and ready to roll out Accelerated Reader into our library and instructional program. Just completed web-based fire-up of the system
- Scheduled our STP conference online to make online sign-ups take place
- Began weekly "School News" to take school information out of teacher newletters and provide a place for "School Scoops," "Thank-you's" and important info.
- Began a conversation with K-2 teachers on their joys and challenges with their language arts curriculum. Scheduled a web connection regarding A to Z Readers with Erin Winter later this month.
- Introduced the staff to Six-trait writing process. More conversation will take place in Dec.
- SJB are in their review cycle for the WASC-NLSA Accreditation process this year. Focus groups have begun and
- Re-tooled the Superintendent's Advisory Committee to have roles to support our mission and vision. They are actively engaged in our accreditation process.
- Visited three local schools in our area to get a feel for what public and private educational programs look like in our community.
- Hired and give direction to new "male" Director of our Children Center for 200 infant to four-year olds. It has been a challenge in making a smooth transition from the director who has established the center 30 years ago.
- Getting a handle on the 418 students who I greet each morning and afternoon out on the sidewalk. Most have names that I can't begin to pronounce. :)
- Learning my role as Superintendent of Schools - boundries and structure within this administrative structure.
- Working with several teachers on establishing a classroom blog
- Learning what it means to be a "Director of Operations" in the ministry.
Last week, I spent some time with Joel K, the former ed exec in this district. He definately thinks outside the box in many areas. I agreed on his point that most of our Lutheran schools put a higher priority of ministry over learning. Figuring out that balance will keep some in the business while others shut their doors and relegate their classrooms to a weekend experience. I pray for guidance and wisdom in guiding this precious gift and those who receive it with thanksgiving - both the big and the little people!
and the definition for 'ministry' in Lutheran schools is:... I think 'learning' and 'ministry' can go hand in hand. Glad to see you list, Spence. Your accomplishments are huge! Such a delight to hear the energy and enthusiasm in your 'voice'! ~lois