Monday, August 12, 2013

Leading Where You Are!


Last week I spent two days with several of my administrative staff at a satellite feed of the Global Leadership Summit from Willow Creek.  I previously attended it several years at my former ministry, and was always impressed at the quality speakers and the ability to inspire me just prior to a new school year.  This year's speakers were outstanding and I will try and capture the key points from each speaker. Forgive my abbreviated thoughts:

Bill Hybels - "Courage to Lead"  Joshua 1:9.  "Be Strong and Courageous"
1. Leaders must cast vision - and every vision we have will test a leader's metal.  Many secret visions were never cast due to fear. Be strong and courageous.
2. Leaders must define their current reality! All leaders find themselves in a season when the ministry is on an upturn, status quo or downturn.  Everyone on the team knows and waits for leaders to lead.
3. Leaders build a fantastic, flourishing culture! -  Desire to be the "Best Christian Workplace!"
4. Leaders connect relationally and insure their organization makes it a priority!

Colin Powell - Axioms and stories... "It will look different in the morning" - optimistic view of problems / If you aren't being brought problems, your people don't think you can solve them / Tell me early, let me know before it blows up! /  Ego is a red flag when they think they turned the sun on in the morning! /

Patrick Lencioni - Bakersfield guy / 3 reasons people know they are in a miserable job -
1. Anomnymity /   We are called to love the people that work for us - take an interest!
2. Irrelevance /  Your job matters!
3. Immeasurement - Everyone needs to know if they are doing a good job.  Not evaluating people disrespects them.

Liz Wiseman /  Multipliers and Diminishers - the best leaders make everyone smarter!
 Use your intelligence, skills, abilities to amplify, magnify the capability of the people around you!
Diminishers:  Idea Guy / Always On / Rescuer/ Pace-setter / Rapid Responder / Optimist

Chris Brown - NorthCoast  Team ministry Works - Succession in Leadership
Contrast relationship between Saul / David and Pharoh/Joseph
Do you have room in your chariot for a David or Joseph? Do I expand the kingdom or my reputation?

Joseph Grenny -  Change behavior and you change the world! - Leadership is intentional influence!
Study Behavior with six influences:
                                                Motivation                                Ability
Personal                                                            Training
Social                                                                Comments
Structure                                                           Setting
Skills and ability has a profound influence to change behavior.   The setting to practice the change must approximate the real world.  Intense focus on most of the six areas make good choices easier to achieve.

VG - Innovation / Ongoing operations are at odds / conflict with innovation.  Innovation is a strategy about leadership in the future.  Most organizations involved in change organize themselves in 3 boxes
Box 1  Manage the present - current effecencies / current efficiency
Box 2  Selectively forgetting the past / shares resources between the two boxes
Box 3  Create the future - creative people being funded to fail and experiment
Great example in evolution of high jumping from the scissors jump to Fosbury Flop
I thought about the LCMS church and stuck in box 1.  Where is our Lutheran school model?

Brenee Brown - "Vulnerability Researcher"
 Irreducable needs of everyone:  Love and belonging!  Grows through connections with people
Everyone needs :  Belonging / Be seen and loved / Be BRAVE! - Courage! quote from Teddy Roosevelt -  life demands leaders to enter into the arena and engage - to risk being beaten, bloodied  -  her new philosophy :if you are not in the arena, I'm not interested in being open to or receiving your feedback!"- period!  The number sitting in cheap seats have grown!

Oscar Muriu - Nairobi Chapel - Finding leaders by increasing the harvesters! - Mentoring
1. The size of your harvest depends on how many leaders you have!
2. When you live for your own generation you will grow in your generation and die with your generation - invest in the next generation!
3. Identify your bidding leaders and take them to the Lord in prayer
4. Instill the five loves into your young leaders :  Character (heart), Soul (conviction), Mind (Comprehension), Strength (competence), Love for neighbor (compassion)

Henry Cloud -  moving out of spiral by interpreting negative things around you... 3 P's
Personal (I'm not good at that)  - Pervasive (moves from the to other situations) - Permanent

Andy Stanley -  Leaders in Mission - The Christian church all agree on Peter's answer to Jesus' question "Who do people say I am? = You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!"  That hasn't changed!  We believe that something "HAPPENED" (Jesus Rose) not that it is true! "If someone predicts his death and rises from the dead, I'll believe anything he says, even if I don't understand it."  Can you believe we are still proclaiming this simple message?  That Christ has keep the promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against it!  Despite us!  Story of all the Pastors will be in a room in heaven, Paul will appear and say... "Really?"  You thought that way?
Spoke about Paul's significant impact  of passion on the world that we are beneficiaries of two millenium later.   Finished with the "Stand Firm" let nothing move you verse.